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BINARAGANET is BuiltWithSolar, We run on 100% renewable clean energy - zero emission - we carbon offset your entire purchase and our emission using on-grid solar panels making your purchase and our operation carbon-negative - We believe in a brighter, positive future and a more sustainable tomorrow

We are building a 100-year company, BINARAGANET builds for the long term, and that means investing in our planet, our communities, and our people. Our Sustainability initiatives include choosing renewable energy, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, and enabling an equitable and sustainable future by building products and programs to support our team and members.

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MOVESTORM Power Rack OG  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Movestorm® POWER RACK The Commercial Full Power Rack is designed for elite sports teams, commercial gyms and PT studios Using 11 gauge/3mm laser-cut steel, it is not only heavy-duty but a stylish rack that has been thoroughly tested to withstand loads of up to 500kg The rack is designed with multiple laser-cut, ..... more details

MOVESTORM Women Bar 15kg  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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TheMovestorm® Women’s Bar is a multifunctional barbell with high qualify Cerakote coating and color choices With a length of 200 cm, and a weight of 15 kg, 190,000 Psi Tensile-Strenght, this barbell is hard resilient and durable. Whether powerlifting (powerlifting with: squat, bench press, deadlift), Weightlifting (weight lifting) or traditional weight training / ..... more details

MOVESTORM The Patriot Mens Bar  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Movestorm® The Patriot Men’s Bar FEATURES : Slave length 30mm Loaded sleve length 415mm Knurk mark double Standard knurl No Center knurl Bar diameter 28mm 2 Bushing and 8 needle bearing Whip Tensile strength 190.000Psi Weight : 20KG Length : 2200mm ..... more details

MOVESTORM Dumbell Rack Set 275kg ( 10Pair)
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Packages Dumbbell Rack with 10 Pair of Dumbbells (2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5 25) 275kg ..... more details

MOVESTORM Echo Color Bumper Plate Paket 150kg
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Movestorm® Eco Color Bumper Plates Package The color-coded version of movestorm budget-priced Echo Bumpers, makes it easier to keep your plates organized and find the ones you need at a glance. The bumper plates have an IWF standard and offer adead bounce and durability rarely seen in an economic plate. Sell in ..... more details

MOVESTORM Ultimate Adjustable Bench  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Introducing The New Movestorm® Ultimate Adjustable bench. The best innovation for adjustable FID bench • with dual slide bearing system adjustment for No Gap between seat and back pad • commercial grade 11-gauge steel • Flat, incline, and decline positions with 7 back pad adjustments and 5 seat pad (-15, 0, 15, 30, ..... more details

MOVESTORM Change Plate Set (5 Pair)  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Description : If lifting is part of your training, these Movestorm®️ Change Plates are a must-have! We’ve seen firsthand that an Athletes become stronger and more confident with weight with regular, incremental increases on their barbells: and our Change Plates provide JUST THAT! Change Plates come with 5 pairs total: 1 pair each of ..... more details


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