At Binaraga.net, we believe that true strength is not just about big muscles but also about a strong mindset and a great spirit. We are here to support your journey not just to build your body, but to develop discipline, perseverance, and a champions mentality.We see training not just as a routine, but as part of the struggle to become the best version of yourself. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow, every failure is a lesson, and every victory no matter how small is a step toward something greater.Here, we dont just share knowledge; we share motivation. We believe success doesnt belong only to the talented but to those who are willing to put in the effort, day after day. If you are ready to think big, work hard, and push past your limits, then Binaraga.net is your place.Because in this world, the strongest are not just those with the biggest muscles, but those with the biggest determination. Together, we lift more than just weights we lift our standards for life.
We Believe That Everyone Can Have an Ideal & Healthy Body!
As the progress of human civilization is always recognizable with the development of technology and knowledge, human beings begin to ignore the essential nutritional and physical needs. Health and fitness is a very important factor that never changes with the changing times. Unfortunately, the interest of Indonesian people still trusts and considers drugs as the only solution in maintaining their health and fitness. Seeing the limitations of fitness and nutrition information in Indonesia, even the deviation of mythical methods and beliefs that have been embedded in the minds of people in this country, this is the reason why we have a great commitment to education, this is the reason why we build BINARAGA.NET.
Our Mision
"Building a Healthy and Strong Indonesia" by providing a positive community and environment for everyone who wants to be healthy. Our main mission is to make bodybuilding accessible to as many people as we can. We would like to help, inspire and guide you through your bodybuilding experiences by providing information, motivation, education and quality products without favoring a particular product to realize the best potential of you as a unique person in a correct way. To help accelerate athlete's transition to sustainable Ketone Energy. "Bodybuilding is Important for Nation Building." Imagine the potential if the quality of health and fitness of the nation is superior then the productivity is superior and the nation will excel, how can we have a good character if we get sick easily. "Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education." Intelligence plus a good character becomes our mission to build a Healthy and Strong Indonesia through Holistic & Natural Approach. We dream of improving people's lives through bodybuilding, no matter culture, come from, ability, passion, gender, religion or education. We united together "Building a Healthy and Strong Indonesia". If we have the same ideal and mission "Build a New Generation that is Smarter, Fit and Resilient!" lets fight together.
We believe in a better world.
Health is what we have already in the beginning, we just have to know how to keep it. Prevention is always better than treatment.
We believe in doing things right.
There is no shortcut to be healthy, healthy lifestyle is the way. Healthy is not a goal, but a way to keep it. Healthy is a requirement ... Every time we need to be healthy.
We believe you can change the world.
The biggest room in the world is a room for improvement. There is always room for us to be more advanced, healthier than ever. Expect others to appreciate, like and love us is started with appreciate, like and love ourselves.
We believe you can grow younger and young forever.
Imagine a Sequoia tree that is more than 3000 years old and still stands tall in Sequioa National Park, Sierra Nevada, California. Its branches can be gigantic, up to 2.5 meters in diameter. The bark of the tree can be as thick as 90 cm. The high-sequoia tree can reach 115 meters, weigh 1250 tons, and the circumference of the trunks reaches 31 meters. Each year, this tree grows one meter cubic of wood per year. Now imagine you wake up every morning to be younger, healthier, stronger, more enthusiastic, fitter and feel the energy of life more than ever before, scientists are now increasingly convinced that humans can reach their maximum potential of age like the age of the tree according to prophecy in the holy writings of the prophet Isiah 65:22
We believe that bodybuilding help us to reconnect with our true selves and teaches us valuable life lessons.
Bodybuilding can build strong, healthy and positive confidence, you will be able to fight stress, anxiety and depression. Friction between muscles that occur when muscle contraction lifting weights will trigger the release of Endorphine hormone. This substance acts like a morphine, even said to be 200 times larger than morphine. Endorphine can cause feelings of pleasure and comfort to make someone energized. The function of the substance is for the body's immunity. That is, in addition to preventing the deterioration of our emotions, Endorphine also stimulate the emergence of substances immunity. With Endorphine our feelings will be more relaxed, and of course we will be easier to control it. Controlling ourselves from anger as well as positive thinking by giving priority to patience. It can be said that Endorphine substances are substances produced by the body when we feel happy. You will be able to control the life, health of your mind and body. If done correctly Bodybuilding can provide values of character, discipline, hard work, nature to grow and willing to learn, postpone pleasure, persevere when facing challenges and be dilligent despite difficult circumstances, not taking shortcuts or a way out, appreciate a process and value of struggle, respect for yourself and others, build reputation, honesty, independence and ethical leadership that come from understanding your limitation.
When life seems to strip everything away, leaving you with nothing but your body and mind, remember that these are the most valuable assets you possess. Bodybuilding is not just a sport; it's a journey of rebuilding yourself from the ground up, transforming pain into strength and doubt into perseverance. With every repetition, you challenge yourself to become stronger, both physically and mentally. Each drop of sweat is proof that you haven't given up, that you have the power to rise from adversity. Through dedication and persistence, you'll not only build a better body but also rediscover your confidence and an unbreakable fighting spirit. You may be starting from nothing, but from there, you will recreate everything, stronger than ever before.
Ministry of Health data showed an increase in the prevalence of smokers from 27% in 1995, increased to 36.3% in 2013. That is, if 20 years ago from every 3 people of Indonesia 1 of whom are smokers, today from every 3 people Indonesia 2 people of whom are smokers.
This situation is worrisome, because the prevalence of female smokers also increased from 4.2% in 1995 to 6.7% in 2013. Thus, in 20 years ago from every 100 Indonesian women 4 of whom were smokers, today from every 100 Indonesian women 7 of whom are smokers.
Even more alarming is the bad habit of smoking is also increasing in the younger generation. Ministry of Health data shows that the prevalence of adolescents aged 16-19 who smoked increased 3-fold from 7.1% in 1995 to 20.5% in 2014. And more surprising is the age of getting younger (early). Beginner smokers aged 10-14 years increased by more than 100% in less than 20 years, from 8.9% in 1995 to 18% in 2013.
Research data (2013) showed that the level of addiction or addiction in high school children who smoke quite high, that is 16.8%. Meaning 1 person out of every 5 teenagers who smoke, has become addicted. The study also showed that the average child born to expectant mothers who smoked had milder weight (<2500 grams) and was shorter (<45 cm) than non-smokers (> 3000 grams) and longer (> 50 cm).
These data show the fact that smoking is clearly bad for the health of Indonesian society. Smoking is a factor that has a huge impact on the emergence of various diseases. A smoker has a 2 to 4-fold risk of developing coronary heart disease and has a higher risk of developing lung cancer and is a gateway to drug addiction.
Based on the Final Report of the National Survey on Drug Abuse Development in 2014 and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC data, the number of drug abusers is estimated to be as many as 3.8 million to 4.7 million people who have used drugs in a year (current users) in the age group of 10-59 years in 2014 in Indonesia. So, there are about 1 in 44 to 48 people aged 10-59 years still or have used drugs in 2014. The number continues to increase with reference to research conducted by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) with Puslitkes UI and estimated drug users the number of drug users reaching 5.8 million by 2015.
National Narcotics Agency (BNN) mentions 80 percent of Indonesian people know the types and dangers of drugs. However, surprisingly, the level of drug abuse in Indonesia is still high. The percentage was obtained from the results of BNN research in collaboration with Center for Health Research (Puslitkes) University of Indonesia (UI) in 2016. The result was quite surprising. Most drug users are in the productive age of 24-30 years. There is already a shift in values in society, of course this is a common concern to save young people from the dangers of drugs. If we blame others or circumstances on this matter, we would not solve the problem, but if we take responsibility, find a way out, improve ourselves then the young generation of Indonesia can be greater than this problem, this is why BINARAGA.NET is present.
We at BINARAGA.NET uphold the value of sports heritage and healthy lifestyle that is sportsmanship, honesty, diligence and independence. In choosing and prioritizing healthy foods, managing the right diet and self-discipline is no longer an option because to be healthy requires consistent persistence and not a shortcut. Having a good body is a side effect because we first do a right and healthy routine. A good body is not the end result but a continuous process. Our founding philosophy is to create and use long-term strategies and healthy habits, a lifestyle rather than a "Quick Fix" or "Short-Term Plan". "Hard work beats talent When talent does not work hard" Any great talent will never replaces persistence.

All these frameworks are embodied in our philosophy of "We Build The Right Man". The quality of ourselves is the quality of the questions we ask ourselves, if the question is wrong it will produce the wrong answer as well. Health is unattractive while we stil have it, health becomes so attractive when it's gone from us. If we take a shortcut, no one will know, but ourselves know. We know the difference deep inside our hearts. We may think that we can fool others but we can not fool ourselves.
"Pressure Builds Diamonds" If we remain faithful under pressure and hardships, continue to persevere, we give ourselves the opportunity to demonstrate how great our potential is and ultimately shape the quality of our characters like diamonds and reputation with a good names. We at BINARAGA.NET always willing to change to be better because we want to be a model that is good and true for generations to come. We do not want you to just be a follower, we believe that you can be a leader that brings change for your surroundings to build a Healthy and Strong Indonesia! That discipline will only happen if we know and understand what we want and why we want it, we at BINARAGA.NET know and understand what we want and the reason why we want it, so we were able to discipline ourselves and postpone pleasure. We exist to help you realize your potential and be the best version of yourself. That's our mission and purpose. That's why we do what we do, that's what we believe. That's what we persistently do. That's the driving force in everything we do.
Why We Are Different
Rai Institute gained the confidence to contribute to the basic training program of candidates for Special Forces (KOPASSUS) soldiers in Batujajar Bandung. For complete information or follow our training please visit
Ade Rai as an Ambassador for BPJS, shared tips on a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and regular exercise to change the mind set, increase work productivity, reduce sick claims, build a Healthy & Strong Indonesia! For complete information please visit binaraga.net/bpjs
is the first and most complete information, motivation, and education website for bodybuilding in Indonesia that was founded in 1999. BINARAGA.NET has always been about more than selling, it's about learning, inspiring and connecting with people. When you buy our products, you will not only get original product but also complete information, accurate, motivated for sports and educated which is true about a healthy lifestyle. BINARAGA.NET is the best place for discover, explore and experience bodybuilding. That is the promise we offer and the experience that we give especially to you as a unique and noble person.
One of the missions of BINARAGA.NET is committed to a free high quality fitness education for the public. For that we make bodybuilding accessible to as many people as we can by workshops, gatherings, seminars, webinars, certifications, conferences and also the making of books, videos and audio books in cooperation with Rai Institute which will complement the knowledge of the public about health, nutrition, training technique, fat loss, fitness lifestyle, anti aging lifestyle and drug free program. BINARAGA.NET hopes to open the public mind about the importance of health, the dangers of drugs and provide natural health solutions that can be applied in the real world.
BINARAGA.NET Changing the old paradigms that are wrong in Indonesian society in terms of fitness, health and nutrition. Provide appropriate and effective nutrition information and insights to individuals who wish to shape ideal and fit body, adjusted based on age, sex, height, weight, fat content, body circumference, fat fold, total physical activity, intolerance & allergies nutrition.For complete information or follow our Personal Trainer Certification please visit binaraga.net/personaltrainer
BINARAGA.NET Provide appropriate and effective physical training according to individual needs and objectives using various online and offline media tailored to individual anatomical conditions such as rib size, bone length, movement mechanism, range of movement, joint flexibility, fulcrum, direction of muscle fibers, load resistance direction. Our training focuses on never violating existing joint norms and conforming to the natural laws of the human body. For complete information or follow our RTS Training please visit binaraga.net/rts
BINARAGA.NET holds a Corporate Fitness Health Seminar to improve work productivity, overcome daytime sleepiness, increase brain capacity both creativity and innovation, reduce health costs especially from degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, stroke, coronary heart disease. Extend age and productive capacity by mastering the science of anti aging medicine practically designed for the layman so that after the retirement age passes, can remain active and independent.
If the program is implemented and practiced by employees in your company, then with physical capacity like athletes, productivity capability both quantity and quality of work will increase PLUS lower health costs due to lifestyle diseases. Employees who are over 40 years old will remain productive and still achievers in old age so as to remain your company to be a profitable company. This program is useful to individuals who retired employees to still be able to be productive and independent in living and continuing life so as to have a better quality of life. Employees will be able to return to health and work and remain outstanding so they can still contribute well to the company, and help reduce the company's health costs. In addition, it will help "The Winning Team" in the company work as much as possible and as long as possible which means to give big profits to the company. This health and fitness education program for employees is training mindset, skill set, environment set, so that employees have health and physical fitness like athlete, have health, fitness, appearance like age 20 an year. Able to help his or her own body back healthy naturally especially those experiencing degenerative diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cholesterol, triglycerides, gout, and high blood pressure.
Discover the secret of fitness, increases stamina by changing body composition, increasing oxygenation, and quick recovery. The secret of health, which prevents the increase of blood sugar, blood fats, tension. Food supplement strategy for anti aging, tips n tricks Fitness for joint pain by following this Business Athlete - Corporate Health & Fitness program.
A healthy company is a company that has a healthy and fit employee like an Athlete. Business is "Team Sports", not "One Man Show" then it takes cooperation among Athlete who is in that business.
Why your business needs more Business Athlete? Faster in making decisions, adapting and maneuvering strategies to change situations. Sprightly and responsive, Learn, Unlearn and Relearn. Productive, loyal and have the mental attitude of a champion.
We can help you create more Business Athletes in your company by providing the right mindset, character building and also giving a reason "Why We do What We do?" The reason why they can desire to defend your company. For more information on our Business Athlete - Corporate Health & Fitness please visit
binaraga.net/businessathlete Here are some of our Business Athlete - Corporate Health & Fitness Clients.
Pfizer 2006
BCA Training Center Slipi Jakarta 2007 - 2010
BCA Prioritas 2007 - present
Bank Mandiri Training Center 2010 - present
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa 2007 - 2010
Freeport 2008
Equity Life Insurance 2009
Garuda Indonesia 2010 - 2011
Telkom 2010
Pelni 2010
HSBC 2011
Astra International 2011 - 2015
Lemigas 2012
Conoco Phillips 2012
Phillips Morris 2012
- Dupont 2013
- Sinar Mas 2013
- Semen Indonesia (Gresik, Surabaya, Padang) 2014
- Herbalife Train The Trainer with Rai Institute 2022
Getting old age is sure, but aging with healthy is a choice. Let's learn to overcome the effects of aging by learning what causes and what accelerates aging and how to anticipate it naturally. For more information on Anti Aging Seminar that we held please visit binaraga.net/antiaging
Chronological age (calendar age) must always increase and can not be prevented, biological age (cell age) can be improved only by leaving unhealthy habits such as stop smoking and start exercising and healthy eating can increase cell life up to 20 years younger than your calendar age. While changing the perspective, the right social environment, community, family relationships, have a mission, purpose and hope can increase the psychological age (mental age) become younger, have a passion for life than your calendar age. This is why we are creating a positive and supportive ecosystem of communities. For this reason
BINARAGA.NETis present.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For those who already have treatment, it is important to prevent the severity of the disease. When already experiencing disease, then the drug is important, but to prevent worse it needs a healthy lifestyle. You know that one of the side effects of cholesterol drugs is the decline in testosterone with the result of decreased sex drive, brain health, muscle fitness. One of the effects of diabetes is the disease of blood vessels with the consequences of stroke, heart attack, and impotence. One of the effects of high blood medicine is headache, fatigue and decreased vitality. Learn natural hormone therapy, natural antioxidant therapy natural anti-inflammatory therapy and learn natural detoxification, all of which can be done alone. Everything you can get at our Natural Anti Aging Seminar that we held please visit binaraga.net/antiaging
Our Culture
We have a culture of mutual trust that is the glue between us, continually strive to innovate, determined to become the best. We keep the interconnectedness between us as a guide in our lives. The following are the cultures that we always strive to continue to grow in BINARAGA.NET
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Likes to Help and Provide Excellence Services
- Likes to Share Knowledge and Keep Learning
- Commitment
- A Sense of Belonging
- Spirit of Togetherness and Kinship
- Trained and Professional
- Wholesome
- Gratefull
- Friendly
- Always Looking for Solutions
BINARAGA.NET recognizes that every layer of society needs to live a healthy, energetic, dynamic and productive life, so we offer a unique natural health solution for each of you as a unique person through exercise tips, nutrition information, supplement product information and consultation with a doctor at BINARAGA.NET in choosing the right supplement.
You get more benefit when buying supplements through BINARAGA.NET because we provide competitive rates, easy payment facility using credit card cash on delivery with mobile EDC. BINARAGA.NET has its own Shipping Agent in collaboration with TIKI JNE and NCS (PT Nusantara Card Semesta) to ensure fast, timely and secure delivery..
Our Founders dedicates its life only to Fitness and Nutrition. We have mastered the art and science of Fitness, we help many people to understand the true meaning of health with our Care, Pride and Passion. You can not buy that!
Our Founders dedicates its life only to Fitness and Nutrition. We dream of improving people's lives trough bodybuilding, no matter culture, come from, ability, passion, gender, religion or education. We united together "Building a Healthy and Strong Indonesia"
A signature is a promise. A symbol of your identity. Your mark on the world. In 1999, BINARAGANET was founded on a single promise: We Build The Right Man. It's who we are and it's in our blood. Our Signature line is built on the same promise. Every product is transparent, filler-free, and formulated with effective doses of research-backed ingredients you can trust. We create the highest quality supplements & fitness equipment, so you can focus on leaving a mark of your own.

Enhance your strength and performance by understanding the core principles of bodybuilding: energy, frequency, and vibration. As Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." At Binaraga.net, we believe that your body reflects how you manage your energy, maintain the right training frequency, and cultivate positive mental vibrations. Every repetition and every second of recovery works in harmony, building the foundation for muscle growth and optimal performance.

Your body requires the right energy from nutrition, supplements, and efficient training to build strength and endurance.
Consistent training with the right frequency is essential to stimulate muscles and avoid overtraining.
Positive mental and emotional vibrations play a major role in motivation and focus, helping you stay aligned with your long term goals.
With our scientifically backed programs, nutritional guidance, and mental coaching, Binaraga.net is here to help you balance energy, frequency, and vibration to reach the peak of your physical and mental strength.

At Binaraga.net, we believe that the true strength of the modern bodybuilder lies in total mastery of three vital elements: nutrition, energy, and investment. As Henry Kissinger aptly stated, Who controls food supply controls the people, who controls energy can control whole continents, who controls money can control the world. We empower you to dominate these pillars of power. From tailored nutrition guides designed to build quality muscle, to energy strategies that keep your stamina at peak levels, and investment solutions that allow you to focus without financial burdens, Binaraga.net is your platform for mastering every aspect of bodybuilding. Get ready to do more than just train; prepare to conquer your body and strength, achieving performance that shakes the world!
